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Imagine your boat is floundering. The boat will sink, everyone’s gonna drown, unless you lighten the load. Someone suggests getting rid of the heavy anchor. “We can’t! The anchor was very expensive.” It’s an example of a persistent phenomenon known as the sunk cost fallacy. Same reasoning explains why we sit through a boring movie […]

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Ever been overtaken by a sense of gratitude? I’ve been working for a while on summarizing FREEDOM TOUR 2022. Flipping through photos, I was struck by the sheer number and range of people who came together to make it happen. Literally hundreds of cyclists, walkers, runners, donors, and volunteers. Stepping into a wide variety of […]

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We’re supposed to avoid extremism, right? Don’t be one of those wild-eyed radicals, they say. Moderation. Compromise. Common ground. Sounds great, as long as you’re not following Jesus, because Jesus was a radical extremist. Jesus said love our neighbors. Jesus said welcome strangers. Jesus said care for orphans. All of them, not just the ones […]

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