
We’re supposed to avoid extremism, right?

Don’t be one of those wild-eyed radicals, they say. Moderation. Compromise. Common ground.

Sounds great, as long as you’re not following Jesus, because Jesus was a radical extremist.

Jesus said love our neighbors.

Jesus said welcome strangers.

Jesus said care for orphans.

All of them, not just the ones we like or the ones that make us comfortable.

If a long-haired guy in a robe and sandals showed up today saying that stuff, he’d be dismissed as a wild-eyed radical.

But that’s exactly what Jesus said.

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I’ve no clue how to do what Jesus said. I try, but I confess I don’t love or welcome or care as I should. Even within my little circle, I miss the mark.

But I’m not gonna dismiss Him. Or seek ways to mitigate or compromise or obfuscate.

He said what He said.

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For me, one piece of following if being part of the FREEDOM TOUR community and doing what we can to bring hope and freedom to these beautiful kids.

We’re getting plans together for 2023. I really hope you’ll plan to join us.

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