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What’s The Plan?

I don’t enjoy planning. Some people have a knack for visualizing a project and organizing the details into a clear, workable timeline. I’m not one of them. This personal weakness becomes more of an issue as the FREEDOM TOUR grows. I’ve been doing some combination of half-heartedly trying to get better and beating myself up […]

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She Has A Name

The bad guys in the movie all looked alike. Becky and I noticed we had trouble keeping track of the villains. We knew the good guys, but the crooks sort of blended together. It’s not an accident. Stanford Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky says our brains are actually hardwired to dehumanize those we perceive as “different.” In […]

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What Matters

Our FREEDOM TOUR team wrote about their experiences. Maybe you’ve seen these excerpts on Social Media. They’re a fun way of promoting the FREEDOM TOUR and helping people understand what it’s like to be part of this remarkable community. The words inspire and encourage me. One particular phrase got stuck in my head. What matters […]

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