Facts Or Truth?

“Facts are the enemy of truth!” So said Don Quixote de la Mancha. And you might wonder about the judgment of someone who seeks wisdom from a fictional dreamer who imagined himself to be a knight and thought windmills were enemies to be vanquished. Don Quixote may have been mad, but he saw in his […]

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I Don’t Care?

Last week a friend published a poem. He prefaced it with a disclaimer: “I don’t care whether you like it or not.” I thought it sort of sad that he felt the need to include that statement. Frankly, I didn’t believe him. We don’t write or paint or do any sort of art to please […]

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Let Go

“No, really…how do you stop worrying?” That’s basically the response when I offered a one-trick answer to an impossible question. “That dream stuff sounds all good and everything, but what happens in the REAL world?” Well, I don’t think following Jesus is idealistic or unrealistic. I do believe He offered practical, real-world guidance, but that […]

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