Waiting For The Guy In Charge

report card“Who organized all of this?”

I was describing RICH’S RIDE to a new group of guys and one man asked who set it all up.

“I mean, who figured it all out and put it together?”

“Well, we did. Becky and I at first, and then a few friends. The circle grew as people caught the vision.”

“But didn’t someone have to approve it–someone at church or the city or something?”

Finally I understood what they were asking.

“You don’t need approval or permission to do something important. You don’t need a formal organization. Nobody’s going to give you a grade.

“All you need is an idea and the commitment to make it happen. You can figure out the rest along the way.”

I think a lot of people think someone in charge has to give the stamp of approval, so they wait. Thing is, for most of what matters, God’s in charge.

He already said, “Go.”

So what are you waiting for?

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