How To Escape A Drive-By Life

call to action 2015Teachers fight the temptation of a mile wide and an inch deep.

We try to teach a curriculum that’s so broad, there’s no time for students to stop and think deeply. It becomes all about shortcuts and speed and pass the test and on to the next topic because we have to get it all covered.

And it’s silly, because there’s no point to drive-by learning that isn’t learning at all.

We don’t need more of “more.” We need slower, deeper, more reflective. We need time to contemplate, to encounter each other, to hear what God might be saying.

We’re surrounded by people who live drive-by lives. Always hurried, on to the next thing, distracted, busy.

Jesus came to set us free, yet we operate like birds in search of a cage (Seth Godin). We seek the safety that comes when someone else chooses, and we can simply react.

It’s difficult. In a culture that’s wider and shallower every day, it takes intentionality and courage to choose for yourself, to go deeper, to understand that you don’t have to operate based on someone else’s expectations.

We’re free. We’re also responsible. Fun, and scary.

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