I Don’t Care?

owl creekLast week a friend published a poem.

He prefaced it with a disclaimer: “I don’t care whether you like it or not.” I thought it sort of sad that he felt the need to include that statement. Frankly, I didn’t believe him.

We don’t write or paint or do any sort of art to please others…at least that shouldn’t be the goal. Artists create for a lot of reasons. We put what we hope is our best work out there, and we can’t allow fear of potential criticism to alter what we create.

That means she doesn’t allow fear to turn creativity into people-pleasing. But that can’t ever mean that artist doesn’t care.

I care deeply about how you’re impacted by this blog. I love it when you read and respond with a “like” or especially with a comment of agreement or disagreement. I can’t imagine putting the effort into this if I didn’t care.

You may be thinking you’re not an artist because you don’t paint or sing or write. But you ARE an author, the author of your own story. You’re the person who fills the days of your life with experiences seen by everyone around you.

Your story has the ability to inspire, to demonstrate the incredible power of love, forgiveness, and grace. Your story can lead others to follow a dream, to face their fear, to find courage.

Your story might help someone make the choice to follow Jesus.

You’re an artist. Live and share a remarkable story with courage and passion.

Listen to feedback, ignore criticism, but never allow yourself to “not care.”

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