Two Ways to Grow The Circle

circle wagonsHow do we get folks to join the circle?

We want to build our community, enlist folks in our cause. Makes sense, if we truly believe in what we’re doing.

Seems like there are two ways to go.

We can scare ’em. The others are coming after us, and you’d better grab your guns, send your cash, and circle the wagons. Fear and hate galvanize and energize the core–for a while.

Circle the wagons and fortify the walls aren’t real good strategies for community-building. Tough to enlist outsiders in your cause when you’re afraid of them.

Fear is a short-term way to defend your cause. Trouble is, fear excludes (circle the wagons) and it’s not sustainable.

We can inspire ’em. We can show the others what we’re up to and invite them to join us. We galvanize the core by creating a sense of shared mission. Then we show them how to share their excitement.

Inspration opens doors and reduces barriers. The circle grows through mutual respect and connection.

Whenever someone tells you to fear or hate the other guys, ask yourself whether they’re really just consolidating their own power. Mostly, hating the others only ends up isolating and hurting the hater.

Better to inspire them, invite them, welcome them if they want in.

And if they don’t, it’s okay. Love ’em anyway.

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