Last time we talked about the home team and good guys. It’s fun to cheer for the home team. Our cyclists enjoy wearing FREEDOM TOUR jerseys and being part of a great circle of committed, passionate people. We like being the good guys. We’re also really clear that uniforms are just for fun. Folks wearing […]
Continue readingGood Guys and Bad Guys
Becky and I had a great time at a Colorado Rockies game. We even got to visit the radio broadcast booth, courtesy of Rockies’ broadcaster Jerry Schemmel, who’s going to ride with us in the FREEDOM TOUR Prologue on June 15th. In a Major League Baseball stadium, everything (except the umpires) favors the home team. […]
Continue readingCheck Out My New Bike
I’m anxious to show you my new bike. I don’t usually do Saturday posts, but we finally managed to shoot some video and I got a little excited. I hope you’ll take a minute (actually, 65 seconds) to check out my new wheels and the purpose behind them. Can’t see the video? Click here. As […]
Continue readingSunscreen And Oreos
I used to spend lots of time in the sun. Long days doing construction work. I remember those glory days, no shirt and a great tan and who needs sunscreen. I remember each time the dermatologist removes small growths from my back. It’s easier to get better (or more fun) short-term results when we don’t […]
Continue readingLet’s Gather
People gather for lots of reasons. A group just showed up at the same place and time. It’s a collection of individuals with different purposes and destinations, but for this moment they’ve formed a group. A crowd is a group gathered for some common purpose, but there’s not much interaction among the members. Concerts and […]
Continue readingWhen I Feel Angry
Does injustice make you angry? When I see kids abused and abandoned, I feel angry. When I see people homeless and hungry, or imprisoned unjustly, or oppressed because they look or think differently, when I see kids in cages, when I see a legal system that filters folks based on financial means – I feel […]
Continue readingAre You Religious?
Yes, you are. Someone said, “I’m not religious.” I understand the meaning, but it’s not really true. Whether they realize it or not, each person is engaged in a two-way conversation. God is speaking, revealing Himself through scripture, through other people, and through His creation. Religion is simply our response. How we respond indicates what […]
Continue readingThe FREEDOM TOUR made a quick trip to Iowa. Bike World is an enormous Trek bike dealer with amazing personal service. Owned and operated by two generations of the Ridgeway family, they’ve been a great friend to the FREEDOM TOUR. So Becky’s cruising around the Des Moines bike trails getting her new bike all dialed […]
Continue readingDon’t Be George
George Costanza had a strategy. Actually, Seinfeld’s quirky sidekick had many strategies. George was constantly spouting a philosophy of life, dating, or friendship. He spent most of his time explaining why his life was in chaos. George was more interested in rationalizing his incompetence than in addressing it. George’s overarching strategy, I think, might be […]
Continue readingWhat’s Possible?
Two ways to assess an opportunity. I told you a few days ago I fussed about buying my new bike for a couple of years. Put it off, looked for every excuse to say NO, all the reasons it wouldn’t work. That’s the fear side. What will it cost? What are the obstacles? What could […]
Continue readingImmediate Solutions Of ROMS Games Uncovered
When it comes to computer game emulation, people are broken into a couple of campements, one particular for the real, hands-on steps in addition to an additional for any playability within the video games. There are numerous things really need to contemplate purchasing a RANGE OF MOTION belonging to the most current game titles, which […]
Continue readingWhat About Those Guys?
Two blocks in thirty minutes. I’ve told the story of my first handcycle ride many times, but Jerry Schemmel asked a great question during our interview for his radio show. “What about the guys who helped you?” He’s absolutely right. Like everything else about Rich’s Ride and the FREEDOM TOUR, this was never about Rich […]
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