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Crazy Dreams

You probably noticed golf this past weekend. Maybe you were glued to every moment of the Masters Tournament and couldn’t take your eyes away from the precision, the skill, and every launch monitor that the golfers had to help them go as far as possible in the tournament. On the other hand, maybe you care […]

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Spasms Of Charity

Charity isn’t justice. “Victims of injustice do not need our spasms of charity. They need our legs and lungs of endurance.” Gary Haugen, President, International Justice Mission “Spasms” of charity. Homeless shelters. Soup kitchens. Short-term bandages on society’s bleeding wounds. Charity treats the symptoms of injustice while the root causes persist. Charity feels good (for […]

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Zoom In

That’s my house! Ever look for your house on Google Maps? It’s kind of fun. At first you get something like this photo, a big maze of streets that doesn’t look much different than a map of any other neighborhood. But Google Maps has this amazing feature that lets me zoom in until I see […]

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Be Like Owen

This is Owen. Owen thought raising funds to support kids rescued from human trafficking was a good idea. Owen’s in 5th grade. He’s not a long-distance bike rider (yet). Instead of focusing on what he can’t do, Owen wondered what he could do. Owen set up a lemonade stand last summer. When people stopped, he […]

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Why Or Why Not?

“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” RFK borrowed the words from George Bernard Shaw and inspired a generation to question the status quo. The same question drives parents nuts as every inquisitive three-year-old asks “why?” Again…and again…and again. Why? Why am […]

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Wisdom And The Cheshire Cat

I’m a Lewis Carroll fan. He’s best remembered as the author of Alice In Wonderland, but he was also a mathematician who incorporated a good deal of logical argument into his writing. I used a lot of his writing in math lessons; Humpty Dumpty, The Mad Hatter, and The Queen Of Hearts always inspired curiosity. As I think […]

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What’s The Plan?

I don’t enjoy planning. Some people have a knack for visualizing a project and organizing the details into a clear, workable timeline. I’m not one of them. This personal weakness becomes more of an issue as the FREEDOM TOUR grows. I’ve been doing some combination of half-heartedly trying to get better and beating myself up […]

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She Has A Name

The bad guys in the movie all looked alike. Becky and I noticed we had trouble keeping track of the villains. We knew the good guys, but the crooks sort of blended together. It’s not an accident. Stanford Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky says our brains are actually hardwired to dehumanize those we perceive as “different.” In […]

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