Happy Monday! It’s the Independence Day holiday in the U.S. A holiday provides an opportunity to consider today’s word-of-the-week… REST Are you good at “rest”? I’m not. I’ve never really thought about rest as an intentional part of life. Rest was what you did when there wasn’t anything else to do—or when you were too […]
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Happy Saturday! Bill Cosby is a true American icon. How many people could get away with delivering the commencement address at a prestigeous university like Carnegie Mellon in a sweatshirt? In addition to being his generation’s foremost comedian, not everyone knows that Cosby also earned a doctorate in education. When he speaks about learning, it’s […]
Continue readingThe Real Bottom Line?
Do you think of yourself as a process person or a results person? Yesterday a friend asked how my training was going. I replied that it felt great to be riding again. “Yeah,” He said, “but how’s it going?” I’m kind of dense, so I repeated my response. “It feels so good to be back […]
Continue readingSins Of Omission
Do you think more about avoiding wrong or doing right? Goodness is not the absence of badness. You can do nothing wrong and still do nothing right. Mark Batterson (In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day) For most of my life I thought God was mostly about what I shouldn’t do. He […]
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A while back I had breakfast with a buddy in a coffee shop with one-foot-square tiles on the floor. We discussed our shared experience of reaching 60 this year, and my friend counted out a line of tiles along the wall. He placed his foot at the end of tile #7. “Here’s a dose of […]
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HAPPY MONDAY! This past Saturday we witnessed a completely spontaneous demonstration of today’s word-of-the-week… PREACHING Becky and I got up early Saturday. Some guys volunteered to come by and help her with a few small projects in the garage—nothing major, the sort of things a guy in a wheelchair can’t do. It’s stuff that accumulates and […]
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HAPPY SATURDAY! Garr Reynolds is an amazing presenter. He offers often-contrarian ideas about design and effective communication that I’ve found extremely helpful. In this video, Garr talks about bamboo, its importance in Asian culture, and some lessons we can all learn from observing this amazing plant. (If you can’t see the video, click here.) Have […]
Continue readingJoy As A Fruit?
What’s your mental image of “joy”? I’ve been thinking about what I wrote yesterday (Joy? In Adversity? Seriously?). I do that a lot, especially when I write something that actually makes sense to me. I wonder if I got inside my own head and made up what I call “The Bible according to Rich.” I […]
Continue readingJoy? In Adversity? Seriously?
Am I the only one who finds the following passage … uh … confusing? Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2 I don’t know about you, but I don’t normally associate “facing trials” with “pure joy.” I can face trials if I have to. I […]
Continue readingYo Adrian, I Did It!
Do you ever intentionally seek out adversity? There are two kinds of people—those who can picture the scene when Rocky Balboa shouts, “Yo Adrian, I did it!” and those who have better things to do than watch cheesy boxing movies. Like many sports movies, the “Rocky” story incorporates a recurring theme. A “nobody” rises from […]
Continue readingGrowth
HAPPY MONDAY! I feel like I’m being confronted on all sides with today’s word-of-the-week… GROWTH Yesterday our pastor made a statement I’d rather ignore. He said, “If you want to grow, you must embrace the blessing of discomfort.” I’m happy to embrace blessings—on my terms. I’d rather not think of discomfort as a blessing. Since […]
Continue readingDad Life
HAPPY SATURDAY! Share this with a dad. Happy Father’s Day! (If you can’t see the video, click here.) Have a great weekend.
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