Revolutionizing Christian Thought

I know—the title’s kind of brash. But I believe I may have stumbled upon an idea that will make me a rock star among Christian thinkers.

I have discovered a formula for following Jesus.

I know how improbable that sounds, but I’ve done it. Follow my three-step formula and you’ll be a guaranteed follower of Jesus.

Great thinkers have searched for centuries, and here it is. You get the first glimpse.


Step 1: Wherever you are, find a footprint that belongs to Jesus.

Step 2: Place your foot exactly in that footprint.

Step 3: Repeat steps 1 & 2 every moment for the rest of your life.

What do you think? Best-selling book? Big-time speaking tour? Media sensation?

Wait just a moment

Perhaps you’re thinking I oversold my formula, that it’s not as easy as I made it sound. But I didn’t say it was easy. It’s not.

Step 1 requires study, discernment, and relationship. At any point in the journey there may be hundreds of possible footprints from which to choose. Recognizing which one belongs to Him means you have to get to know Him and His Dad. You need to know which voices speak for Him and which are imposters.

Step 2 requires faith, trust, and courage. You must believe that His footprint will always be there, even when it’s hard to see. You must trust that it leads in the best direction despite all sorts of contrary messages. You must step in His footprint even when it’s a scary place.

Step 3 requires discipline. Other footprints are easier, cheaper, and seem like more fun.

So I admit it’s difficult. But who imagined that reforming two thousand years of Christian thought would be simple?

But I think RTSFFFJ has a lot of promise. I think it would get where I want to go, and where God wants me to go. How about you?

Now I just need to figure out a better acronym.

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