We’re Headed To The Hills

Becky and I have a tough assignment this weekend. We “have to” scout the route and visit host churches for COLORADO MOUNTAIN FREEDOM TOUR 2017. The kind folks in Buena Vista invited us to share the story of the FREEDOM TOUR at two different churches on Sunday. So we’re forced to spend three summer days […]

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Did You Celebrate?

We completed a 500-mile tour one week ago. Months of planning. Lots of back-and-forth to get just the right jersey and t-shirt design. Meetings with sponsors. Fundraising. Thousands of miles of training rides. All leading to an amazing 8-day tour along the beautiful Colorado Front Range. After all the anticipation, we gathered in Cheyenne. The […]

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What If We Change The Culture?

Culture is everything. Big claim, but the longer I do this tour thing the more I’m convinced about culture. Mission, vision, values, goals are words. Culture, the way the team actually operates, is what matters. Last week was our 5th FRONT RANGE TOUR. We always begin with a clear set of morning expectations. We’re a […]

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It’s Never About The Numbers

Are you one of the 2 billion Facebook users? If so, you’ve probably noticed their cute little personalized videos that show up in your timeline on birthdays, anniversaries, and other random important dates. The FB folks know we all like to see ourselves in videos and photos. They know lots of us will share. More […]

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Living In Fear (Or Courage)

Once you’ve finished a bike tour it’s easy to minimize the accomplishment. Easy to forget how hard it was, actually committing and doing the preparation and training, then sticking it out through 500 miles of early mornings and late nights and sweat. Easy to remember the celebrations and forget the flat tires. When we talk […]

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The Weather Changed

The FREEDOM TOUR experienced its first cool weather day in five years on Friday. Thursday we rolled into Rocky Ford in sweltering heat well into triple digits. Friday morning temps were low 60’s…and then they dropped. Not too often you see a 45 degree temperature swing in 12 hours in the middle of June. Folks […]

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Tour Life

Tour life quickly assumes its own rhythm; after just a couple of days it’s like we’ve been doing this together forever. Loading, unloading, sleeping on the floor, eating out of coolers in the back of a support vehicle, grabbing a snack at every opportunity to replace burned calories–those start to seem normal. You learn to […]

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