How About Those Results?

All’s well that ends well. right?

We’re a results-based culture. Final score. GPA. ROI. Seth Godin recently said…Nothing Matters More Than Results…except for all the things we really value.

Relationships and community.

Eternal principles. Forgiveness. Grace.


It’s that pesky question again.

Do I really believe what I believe?

I say it frequently:

There’s no limit to what can be accomplished by a group of committed, passionate people when they work together and trust God for the outcome.

Do I really believe it? Do you?

Do we really believe God’s in charge, really trust Him for the results? Do we believe God will multiply our efforts, but perhaps not in ways we expect? Are we okay with that?

Following Jesus isn’t about getting my way. It’s about doing life His way, accepting that He’s God and I’m not, traveling a path without knowing what’s next. Planting the right sorts of seeds and trusting the farmer, even when I don’t see the immediate fruit.

On the FREEDOM TOUR photo page you won’t see numbers or spreadsheets. You’ll see people laughing and sweating, working together to write a story bigger than themselves.

Results matter. Turns out writing a great story matters a lot more.

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