What To Do About That Boulder?

A modern-day parable (an old tale with a slight twist):

A wise king once ordered a large boulder to be placed on a heavily traveled path, then hid nearby to observe how people dealt with this barrier.

Almost everyone who encountered the boulder expressed annoyance. Many were simply angry and frustrated about the inconvenience and delay. Some complained about the people responsible for the king’s road maintenance program. Others questioned the king’s competence or whether the king really cared about them.

The king watched and waited as more and more people encountered and griped about his obstacle. Eventually one man paused and looked curiously at the boulder. Rather than complaining, he seemed to investigate. He pushed at it a bit, but it was much too heavy for one person to move. The man walked away.

A while later the same man returned with a few friends and some tools. They went to work and after a few hours of sweat and persistence managed to move the boulder to the side of the road.

As they rested from their task, the king approached and shook each worker’s hand. Then he turned to the leader and said, “You’re just the person I was waiting for!”

“Why? What did I do?”

“Everyone else complained about the boulder and wanted it moved, but they expected someone else to do it. They thought it required special training or that the job belonged to someone else.

“You saw a task that needed to be accomplished. You found some people to help, figured out a plan, and did the work.

“Well done!”

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