Working on the FREEDOM TOUR gets me thinking a lot about urgency and justice. In an ancient story with modern applications, Paul and Silas were beaten and tossed into prison illegally. God intervened and used the opportunity to convert the jailer and his household. The following morning, officials try to get Paul and Silas to leave without […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
He’s Already There
Jesus wept. The bible’s shortest verse doesn’t describe a miracle. It’s not part of a sermon or a parable. His friend Lazarus died. Others grieved. Jesus wept. Tears weren’t really necessary, because Jesus knew Lazarus was about to rise. He knew the final result, knew there would soon be joy… and still, in the presence […]
Continue readingJust In Case We Forget
Once in a while I need to remember – maybe you do, too. On December 10, 1986, Elie Wiesel delivered one of the truly influential speeches in history. The occasion was his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. Wiesel looked back to himself as a small boy entering the Holocaust and asked, “Can this be true? […]
Continue readingWhat If FDR Was Wrong?
In his first inaugural address to a country mired in the depths of the Great Depression, FDR struck a note of optimism. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Nothing to be afraid of…except being afraid? I’m not so sure. Lots of fear these days, related to all sorts of issues. Much […]
Continue readingCliffs Notes
Two academics want to speed up baseball games. Steven Brams and Aaron Isaksen proposed a fairly radical rule change. They claim their idea, tested on 100,000 games over the last 50 years, would reduce the average game time by nearly 30 minutes and make games more competitive by limiting one-sided “blowout” affairs. I love baseball. […]
Continue readingWhat Happens When We’re Done?
Well, we’re not done. As I reflect on the wonderful experiences of FREEDOM TOUR 2018, I can’t escape the nagging notion of not-done. Women and children are still trafficked. Millions still labor under the yoke of modern-day slavery. The HOME OF HOPE still needs our support. Ending this horror is a huge task. Our little […]
Continue readingVideo: Colorado Mountain Tour
We have a lot of fun on our tours. Yeah, it’s lots of work. We get tired. And sore. And even a little cranky at times. But I suspect most of our teammates would tell you it’s worth it. Here’s a video to give you a small view of the beauty of our 2018 Colorado […]
Continue readingWhy All The Stories?
“Why spend so much time telling stories?” It’s a common question, for the FREEDOM TOUR and most endeavors. What’s the big deal with the pictures, the videos, the constant effort to share the memories? It’s not a flashback to Glory Days. Storytelling, it seems, is essential for community. “Where common memory is lacking, where people […]
Continue readingWhen Will I Learn?
There’s a lesson I keep learning. Okay, maybe “learning” is the wrong word, because learning = behavior change. If I learned, I wouldn’t keep bumping into the same issue. I know it’s not about numbers. I know I should trust God to bring the right people into the circle, that He knows who should be […]
Continue readingSeeing The Church
Bike tours have unexpected side benefits. Spectacular scenery. Community. Solitude. And (at least on the FREEDOM TOUR) lots of great food. You think you’re showing up to ride bikes, but all these crazy, cool things happen and you almost have to look at the pictures to remember there was a bike ride in the middle […]
Continue readingTraining Accumulates
My parents taught me the value of saving money. Old-school saving – don’t spend everything you earn, set aside a little each week or each month. Over time, those small amounts accumulate and carry over. It’s a great lesson that’s served me well. I learned, for example, to “save up” for a big expense. Work […]
Continue readingIs It The Right Train?
My dad was a railroad man. Lots of cool perks for the son of the roundhouse foreman. Ride with the engineer and drive the train. Operate the turntable. Special times for a little kid. The biggest benefit, though, was free tickets. Train travel was dependable, clean, safe (and fun!). We rode any time – no […]
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