Getting Ready

A lot happens behind the scenes. Before we climb on the bikes, all sorts of details must be addressed. One of the most important, and most easily overlooked, is loading and unloading the trailer that hauls our stuff down the road. And there’s quite a bit of stuff. Here’s a look at a 6:30 am […]

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About Being Real

Geppetto wished Pinocchio could be a “real boy.” We know Pinocchio for his long nose, but a cool part of the story happened when The Blue Fairy granted Master Geppetto’s wish and transformed his lifeless wooden puppet into a real boy. Sometimes I wish I could be a real cyclist. By “real” I mean riding a […]

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Why THOSE Kids?

“Why do you support kids halfway around the world?” Good question. Simple answer: when we started doing this we asked where we could help and were directed to Project Rescue and this specific HOME OF HOPE. So we said YES. “Why don’t you do something locally?” Good question, not quite so simple. So I dig […]

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Widgets Or Art?

Widget makers value consistency. Every widget must be exactly alike, so the factory thrives on rules and procedures designed to produce conformity. On the assembly line it’s about interchangeable parts and elimination of individualism, freedom, creativity. Not a value judgement, just what’s required to produce consistently high-quality widgets. The FREEDOM TOUR is more art studio […]

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Glory Days?

Everyone has a story. We’ve heard it a million times, but what if it’s wrong? Or, what if there’s perhaps a better, more helpful way to think of it. Suppose, instead of “I have a story,” you and I re-frame the narrative a bit. You don’t have a story. You are a story. Suppose, rather […]

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