Service And Perspective

I believe we were created to serve.

God. Other people. The Creation. When we serve, we’re being Christ-like.

“The world looks vastly different when on one’s knees washing someone’s feet. I think that is why Jesus chose this for the disciples’ final group act before the cross. Is there a relationship in your life where the best thing for connection would be a great act of service with no words?” **

I love the connection of service and perspective. It’s one thing to serve from a position of superiority and strength, to show up and shake hands for the camera and hire folks to do the work.

It’s a whole other thing to get dirty and sweaty on your knees where no one sees.

Humility. It’s what Jesus did for His friends. Then He told them, us, you, me, to do life like that.



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** Quote from my friend Tim Brand’s newsletter 3…2…1…Impact.

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