Cutting Corners

It’s easy to lose track of purpose.

We begin with grand mission statements involving faith and generosity. But it’s so easy to get seduced by short term goals and opportunities for growth.

It’s pretty understandable why so many people and organizations cut corners.

Seems like that mission statement can serve one of two purposes.

It’s an impediment, something to circumvent in pursuit of short term gain.

It’s a place to stand, a point of leverage from which to push back against temptation.

I want to dream big. I want the freedom tour to grow. I want us to raise tons of money, to move beyond supporting just one single Home of Hope.

But I don’t want us to accomplish any of that It means sacrificing relationships and following Jesus.

+ + +

I thought about that this week because we sent several promo emails, and I wondered if we stepped over the line, if we’re taking advantage of our list and starting to become spammers. I don’t know the right answer, don’t know how many emails is good promotion, how many is annoying.

But it’s not worth a small bit of growth if we antagonize our friends.

This is one small issue. I wondered if it might prompt you and me to think about places we’re tempted to cut corners, where we might sacrifice our principles for a bit of short term gain.

It’s that issue I’ve raised more than once – it’s our job to do our best and trust Jesus for the outcome.

Do our best, work hard – we can do that.

It’s the ”trust” thing that’s a lot harder than we – I – want to acknowledge.

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