How To Follow A Dream (3)

Following the dream doesn’t happen by accident.

We’ve already talked about Grace and Faith.


In a culture of selfies and Tik Tok and “Look at me!” – following the dream works better with, “there you are.”

Please don’t turn this into some sort of legalistic “Never talk about yourself or your accomplishments” or “Never post a selfie.” That’s hiding, not humility.

Humility doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself. It means thinking of yourself – less (C. S. Lewis). It certainly doesn’t mean making yourself invisible.

Humility means caring about what gets accomplished, not about who gets credit for it.

I began this conversation telling you I don’t like posting pictures of myself because it’s not about me. That’s sort of a contradiction, isn’t it? If it’s really not about me, then I ought to post whatever moves us forward.

Sometimes, following the dream means letting you know what I’m up to. Mostly, it means letting everyone else know what you’re up to.

Humility means knowing the dream is what matters. It means not caring about who’s in the spotlight – or the picture.

Pride cares about who is right. Humility cares about what is right. ~ Ezra Benson

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