What Happens Next?

I’ll bet you’ve experienced it.

The runup to the big event, the excitement, the rush as the day finally arrives, and then – it’s over. You stare at the aftermath as the adrenaline drains away and the cleanup crew sweeps the confetti and dumps the trash.

What happens next?

For followers of Jesus, that’s the week after Easter.

There’s Lent, the time of preparation. The buildup of Holy Week, the somber remembrance of Good Friday, the silent waiting of Saturday, and finally “He is Risen!”

Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, ham for dinner.

What happens next?

Too often, it’s a return to same-old-same-old.

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I was reminded recently of a favorite quote.

You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.

William Wilberforce

The context was anti-slavery, but it works just as well for Jesus’ death and resurrection. You can turn away, but once you know, you can’t un-know. And once you know, you have to choose what happens next.

For me, what happens next is a renewed commitment to follow and trust. I know I won’t get it right, and I’m grateful for grace. But I’ll keep trying and talking to Him.

It also means a renewed commitment to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. I hope you’ll join us on that journey.

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