Are You Sure?

Truth or certainty? Isn’t true also certain, and vice versa? Are they not the same thing? Turns out–not so much. Certain is often a simplistic, watered-down place of political slogans and bumper stickers. It’s great for platitudes and song choruses. Certain rarely describes how the world works, how relationships work, how we can move the ball down the field. […]

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Because I Said So?

Every parent and teacher wrestles with Why? As a new teacher my go-to response to Why? was Because I said so! After all, I’m the teacher. I make the rules, right? End of discussion. Took a lot of years for me to realize that Because I said so! was simply coercion. I have more power and control, so you have to […]

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Three (Unexpected) Wise Men And Injustice

Seems like we hear a lot about injustice lately. Pipelines. Trafficking. Racism. Sexism. Religion. Immigration. Even bathrooms! Seems like everywhere we turn there’s some sort of debate, discussion, or dialogue about injustice. The FREEDOM TOUR, of course, enters the discussion by supporting kids rescued from the horrible injustice of sexual slavery. So here’s a question: How […]

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How To Avoid The Chaos

Election season likely has us all a bit flustered. How do we keep our eye on the dream when there’s so much noise and sheer craziness oozing from every corner of the culture? After a coffee conversation with a wise friend (and a nice, peaceful bike ride), I listed a few ideas. Perhaps they’ll help. […]

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