Are You Sure?

question marksTruth or certainty?

Isn’t true also certain, and vice versa? Are they not the same thing?

Turns out–not so much.

Certain is often a simplistic, watered-down place of political slogans and bumper stickers. It’s great for platitudes and song choruses.

Certain rarely describes how the world works, how relationships work, how we can move the ball down the field. Those require a consistent search for Truth.

Truth involves nuance. Truth is the messy details below the headlines, the day-to-day reality of how we work out the relationships and the search for justice.

Certain is about blind acceptance. Certain turns away from information, even objective facts, that contradict it. Certain defends its position at all costs.

Certain is often willing to impose its position, by coercion or force if required, on others who aren’t convinced.

The search for Truth demands wisdom, discernment, a willingness to seek and correct mistakes. One who seeks Truth must, at the very least, acknowledge unavoidable biases and agendas.

We’re drowning in a sea of Certain.

I’m all for folks who know and stand for what they believe. I’m all for robust discussion, dialogue, sharing ideas, but too often that’s not what’s occurring.

When Certain bypasses discussion and asserts power and control because, well, it’s Certain, relationship and connection suffer. Hammering others into submission, forcing them to conform against their will…that’s assault.

Open dialogue builds trust and connection. You and I can agree and disagree, we can even agree to disagree, in a mutually respectful search for Truth.  But if Certain gets involved, authentic conversation grinds to a halt. Certain cares nothing for other ideas or for Truth. Certain makes no mistakes, so it can’t change or improve.

Certain is always right, and being right matters. Being right is all that matters.

Me? I know a guy who invited me on a journey a while back, a journey in search of Truth. This guy could have provided Certain…He had it all within His grasp. He didn’t, because He cared about relationships and wasn’t into assault. Jesus said Let’s walk and talk together and learn something about Truth together.

I think the invitation’s still open.

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