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Outside The Spotlight

Every production needs a spotlight. One or two big, flashy stories get center stage. But the production succeeds because lots of people work unselfishly, often unnoticed, outside the spotlight. A great production happens when all parts work together to create a story bigger than any of its pieces. HOPE AND FREEDOM CHALLENGE is at nearly […]

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Off The Hook?

We tend to think about courage related to big events. Superhuman acts of bravery. John Lewis crossing the Edmund Pettis Bridge. Soldiers storming the Normandy beach on D-day. You and I could never do that, right? It’s a bit like watching an elite professional cyclist who trains 24/7 and deciding I could never ride like […]

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A Fun Ride

Smiles are a big part of the FREEDOM TOUR. Yeah, there’s sweat and struggle and sacrifice involved in cranking all those miles. But I’m always struck by the big, broad smiles. Some will remember PROLOGUE 2020 for COVID – masks, social distancing, and all the flexibility people offered to make it happen. I’ll remember the […]

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(Sort Of) Done

We’re done! One-day Prologue. Front Range Tour. Colorado Mountain Tour. 140 riders cycled 11,000 miles and climbed 400,000 feet. A year of plans and COVID revisions, all the training, and FREEDOM TOUR 2020 suddenly ends. Except, that’s not how it works. The quest for justice doesn’t end. Bringing hope and freedom to the kids at […]

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It’s About Trust

COLORADO MOUNTAIN TOUR 2020 blasts off today. Isn’t that amazing? With all that’s happened, through historic financial disruption and social isolation amid a global pandemic, our team kept hope alive. Instead of giving up, they trained, spread awareness, and raised funds to support the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. During the next five days […]

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Be Like Mike

My friend Mike took his HOPE ROCK on a trip. He’s working on a bucket-list item to ride his bike in all 50 states. During a 9-day stretch in early July, Mike and his HOPE ROCK did 177 strategically-chosen miles of cycling in 14 different states! Like many of his FREEDOM TOUR teammates, Mike carries […]

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Seek Justice

We all believe in justice. I wonder, though, if we all agree on what it means to “seek justice.” In this highly-charged political environment, even this notion has become divisive. A recent Facebook post about justice elicited a comment — from a friend — about “social justice BS.” In scripture, justice is primarily a relational […]

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Freedom & Truth

I told you last time about our team’s ZOOM conversations. Dick Foth said he wanted to discuss freedom. He began with Jesus’ words: “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So there’s a chain: obedience –> truth –> freedom. It’s […]

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