I’m speaking to a group of men this weekend. Telling a bit of my story, talking about the FREEDOM TOUR, and I think I’ll talk a little bit about legacy and the impact we make. We spend a lot of time wanting to make a difference, trying to connect the dots between our actions and […]
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Anyway Video 2013-2023
For 11 years, our friend Kristen Orphan has generously allowed us to use her beautiful version of ANYWAY as the FREEDOM TOUR theme song. The first time I heard the song, one particular line struck me: You can chase a dream that seems so out of reachand you know it might not ever come your […]
Continue readingWhy Not Armies?
I like to think about Jesus hanging out with our 22 kids. Not literally, of course, like He did with His friends for three years. But I absolutely believe He’s with them, just as He’s been with them every moment of their precious lives. I like to think of Him around the table with them, […]
Continue readingGotta Serve Somebody
In 1979, Bob Dylan released his Grammy award-winning song Gotta Serve Somebody. The theme was pretty simple. Doesn’t matter who you are, how much you have or don’t have, where you live, your station in life…in the end, everybody serves something or somebody. Dylan’s profound lyrics are a take-off on something I say a lot: […]
Continue readingRelationship Arithmetic
Jalen Rose played NBA basketball at the highest level. Recently, Rose commented on the difficult circumstances faced by one of basketball’s current young stars. The details aren’t important. Rose was explaining, as someone who’s been there, that perhaps the situation might be more complex than it appears. He made a statement I think all of […]
Continue readingWhich World?
You and I don’t see the world the same way. It’s just a fact, but it’s really hard for me to remember. Sadly, I spend a lot of time and energy feeling critical toward those see things differently. Another, more accurate way, to say this is that I struggle with being judgmental. I don’t like […]
Continue readingSmiles All Around
Occasionally, I surprise myself by coming up with an interesting thought. Last time, I talked about the difference between accountability and responsibility. I ended with this sentence. You and I can take as much responsibility as we wish. In fact, I think that’s exactly what Jesus invited us to do. I think that’s kind of […]
Continue readingDoing What We Know
I ran across a short passage this morning that sort of stopped me in my tracks. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. It […]
Continue readingService And Perspective
I believe we were created to serve. God. Other people. The Creation. When we serve, we’re being Christ-like. “The world looks vastly different when on one’s knees washing someone’s feet. I think that is why Jesus chose this for the disciples’ final group act before the cross. Is there a relationship in your life where […]
Continue readingCutting Corners
It’s easy to lose track of purpose. We begin with grand mission statements involving faith and generosity. But it’s so easy to get seduced by short term goals and opportunities for growth. It’s pretty understandable why so many people and organizations cut corners. Seems like that mission statement can serve one of two purposes. It’s […]
Continue readingI Don’t Wanna
“I have to do this,” I’ll say. Becky’s response: “No, you get to do this.” It’s a half-serious, half-joking conversation that runs on a loop in our house. I suppose we could write it off as background noise, but I think there’s more to it. I’m pretty privileged. There are some things I have to […]
Continue readingMake Disciples
Last time I talked about the idea that it might take 300 touches, 300 impressions or interactions, for some people to really encounter Jesus. It got me thinking about the great commission, Jesus’ commandment to go and make disciples. And it seems like we’ve turned that into an entire industry of mission trips and church […]
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