Bought? Or Sold?

When kids are enslaved in brothels, are they bought…or are they sold?

To me, it’s a curious question.

Without demand this entire sordid business couldn’t flourish as it does. In that sense children are bought like any other commodity in any other marketplace.

But on the other side of the equation, marketers work to supply and sell these kids. It’s a big, nasty, dangerous business.

Describing human trafficking in such matter-of-fact terms, using words like demand, supply, and marketplace seems terribly inappropriate.

Last time I told you Mahima is headed off to college rather than to a brothel. But at one time – she was bought and sold.

None of us can imagine that. None of us can imagine purchasing or selling a child, or any human being for that matter.

I pray for hearts to change, for the day men won’t need to purchase children like Mahima. Until that day comes, I’m glad she gets to go to college.

And I’m happy to keep riding my bike with the FREEDOM TOUR community, ensuring that our 22 kids remain free, no longer bought and sold.

Thank you to everyone who has already generously supported our kids.

And here’s my invitation to join us in making sure none of our kids will ever be bought or sold.


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