
Ever notice how it’s almost a cultural norm to slow down and look at a car wreck?

Happens in lots of places. Much of what passes for news is metaphorical car wrecks, because advertisers and producers know we’ll slow down and watch.

On the other hand, nobody’s clamoring to watch a kid coding a cool new app. Or the team volunteering to build a home for Habitat For Humanity. Not much drama there.

We get what we pay for, and we pay for drama. Conflict. Emergency.

This weekend I get to ride bikes with about 140 people who care about 22 kids on the other side of the world. Our team has worked for months toward this day. Cyclists spent long hours training. Dozens of volunteers spent countless hours preparing all the details.

Nobody stopped to watch any of it, because building something long-term isn’t as dramatic as a car wreck.

We’re supporting these 22 kids so they aren’t trapped in sexual slavery, so they get to live and laugh and grow up in freedom the way God intended.

Maybe following Jesus is less about conflict and drama and more about a step-by-step journey of doing what He said.

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Thank you to everyone who has already generously supported our kids.

Please join us in making sure our kids remain free.


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