Why are you going to Ordway? As people looked at our route map, that was one of the common questions. Ordway is a small ranching community on Colorado’s eastern plains. It’s the pronounced “lump” in our meandering course along the Front Range. Why Ordway? involved an invitation we couldn’t refuse. It’s a long story, but I’d […]
Continue readingWho Gets In The Circle?
We invest a lot of energy in differences. Differences are an easy way to circle the wagons and close ranks. People like them don’t belong here. These pictures look pretty similar, at first. Wristbands, arms, hands together. On the left, the hands of the FREEDOM TOUR team on the day we climbed Raton Pass. On […]
Continue readingWhat’s Next?
Now THAT’S a crazy question, right? Except, it’s not. Or perhaps a better way to say it would be “How do we continue?” It’s a simple notion. The Home Of Hope is still open, the kids still need food, clothes, education, and shelter. None of that stopped at the top of Raton Pass. So, as crazy […]
Continue readingAgree
HAPPY MONDAY! Recent events got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… AGREE Wouldn’t it be great if we could all agree on every issue? Sadly, The Good Ship Lollipop hasn’t sailed down my street recently and I haven’t taken up residence in Fantasyland. Since I don’t live in a bubble, I’m going to encounter people with whom I disagree. In fact, I’d argue […]
Continue readingThe Tradition Of Obstacles
Nobody planned the tradition of obstacles. In fact, this particular tradition could fade away and we would be happy. However, it has made for interesting stories. In 2013 the team ended up in a snake-infested field. Okay, maybe “infested” is a bit strong, but they carried road bikes across a meadow and over at least one […]
Continue readingRaton Pass 2015 (Video)
Last Saturday our team climbed Raton Pass. Before the final ride, we reminded ourselves why we were doing this difficult thing. We talked about the kids at the Home of Hope. We remembered the people who helped us along the way. We prayed for all those who are still trapped by the horrors of human trafficking. After […]
Continue readingThe Awesome Power Of Simple
I’d like you to meet Ed. Ed and his wife Barbara operate The Refuge, an incredible retreat center in the foothills above Trinidad. They were kind enough to host our team on the final night of our tour. The Refuge is authentic adobe construction. Ed build most of the building himself over a period of twenty-five years. Ed […]
Continue readingIt’s Time To Be Tired
We were all tired yesterday. It’s the sort of tired that comes from satisfaction, from choosing to do a difficult thing and seeing it through. It’s time to let bikes rest for a day or two as bodies recover and minds reflect. If you followed our journey you saw lots of laughter and joy. We […]
Continue readingCompletion
HAPPY TUESDAY! It’s a day late after the FREEDOM TOUR, but perfect for today’s word-of-the-week… COMPLETION At the foot of Raton Pass, before the final climb of their 500-mile journey together, one of our riders said, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” (Philippians 1:6) As I watched the riders […]
Continue readingSlow Down!
Okay, slow down could mean many things on a bike tour. The biggest lesson I’ve learned on this tour is the value of unrushed. In our third try at this crazy notion we’ve stumbled upon a formula that gets us down the road safely, accomplishes our goals, and gets riders to the destination with time left to decompress, unwind, […]
Continue readingIt Goes By Fast
This thing you’re doing–it goes by fast. You’re reading this on Thursday of the FREEDOM TOUR. We planned for months, anticipated this week and what it might be like, looked forward to the start with incredible excitement. And suddenly, it’s Thursday. Five days and 310 miles are already behind us. Four generous overnight hosts, five days […]
Continue readingDon’t Make Small Stuff Big Stuff
Ever make a big deal out of small stuff? We can move a team of cyclists 70 miles safely down the road, eat great meals, enjoy a bit of silliness, help each other with bike repairs, and build great relationships. We travel through incredible scenery, meet interesting people, and interact with folks from around the […]
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