Who’s Allowed To Enter?

cropped-site-icon.png“Who’s your target audience?”

It’s a common question as we talk to people about plans for FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR 2016. Of course we have some folks in mind, but as I think about this question a related issue comes to mind.

Vision: Create a community in which people are empowered to trust God, work together as servant leaders, and offer hope to others.

We seek to expand the circle, to build the community. But here’s the niggling little question: are we looking for people who can help us, or people we can help?

Whatever we’re doing, it’s so darned tempting to seek out only those who fit the profile, who will likely advance the agenda and maybe build our platform a bit. That’s the formula for building a winning team, right?

Perhaps, but we’re engaged in a different sort of enterprise. Part of our mission statement says: Encourage yourself and others to follow God-sized dreams, challenge limitations, and believe that hope changes what’s possible.

Who doesn’t need that?

Thing is, if you look at it that way you might end up taking someone along who doesn’t quite fit. You’re not as efficient. You’ll probably need to slow down. Things might be a little inconvenient.

I’m not beating up on us, or on you. I’m just being honest about my own temptations, and maybe encourage you to examine yours. Is the purpose to invite people who’ll help build the platform, or to use the platform to help build people?

Either way, we need to be clear. We shouldn’t put up a sign that says Y’ALL COME if we’re not going to welcome them when they show up.

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