What Happens Beyond 10,000 Hours?

forkFollowing a dream means making a choice.

Despite what our culture would like us to believe, we can’t really have it all. Yogi Berra was right. When you come to the fork in the road, you have to take it.

I’m fascinated by the script for Payton Manning’s UC Health promo.

Can’t see the video? Click here

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. But what happens at 20,000 hours? Or 30,000 hours? Do you become something greater? A leader? A mentor? An innovator?

At a certain point you stop playing the game and start changing it.

I’ve heard the 10,000 hour thing before. Supposedly it takes 5 years of 40-hour weeks of perfect practice to become an expert. But Peyton talks of something different, something  two or three times that number! I think he’s describing the difference between great and world-class.

It’s a difference almost no one can see. As someone said, the line between great and  world-class is razor-thin but the gap is wide.

I’d guess not many of us have the passion or dedication to become world-class, and that’s okay. What the world needs from each of us is the courage to do our best, the commitment and obedience to follow our dream as far as it takes us. Jesus’ invitation to Follow me is open-ended.

The video didn’t make me want to devote 30,000 hours to playing quarterback or becoming a doctor. It did inspire me to ask some soul-searching questions:

Have I placed an artificial limit on the commitment I make to following the dream God’s placed in my heart? Will I follow for 10,000 hours, or 20,000, if that’s what it takes? Will I get beyond my comfort zone?

What’s your God-sized dream? Will you follow it as far as Jesus leads you…whatever it takes?

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