Why Is Community So Important?

At the FREEDOM TOUR we’re real clear about what we want to accomplish.

Create a community in which people are empowered to trust God, work together as servant leaders, and offer hope to others.community matters

Sure, we ride bikes. We raise funds for the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. We promote awareness about human trafficking. We do devotions. Lots of stuff happens on our tours.

But our vision, the reason we do what we do, is community. Why?

Why is community such a big deal?

If you read the stories of the early church you’ll see stories of together. The early believers traveled together, ate together, worshiped together, prayed together.

Much of the time they were in danger from civil or religious authorities. They didn’t even have the bible for about 300 years. What they did have, sometimes all they had, was each other.

I think there’s a lesson in that experience.

Reading the bible is important. Preaching is important. Lots of things are important. But…

Following Jesus is a team sport.

Community matters perhaps more than anything else.

Folks who feel excluded will do almost anything to be part of any sort of group. Those who sense they’re genuinely accepted can begin to grow into the whole, vibrant person God created.

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I had some time last weekend to look through pictures from last summer’s FREEDOM TOUR. So many great memories. We rode 500 miles together, and nothing I recall is about riding my bike.

I remember meals. I remember fixing flat times together. I remember riding in the car with Mary when I couldn’t climb the hills. I remember evening conversations, joking while we cranked along, people who greeted us. I remember celebrating together at the top of Raton Pass.

Folks have joined us for many reasons. Some want to ride bikes, some are committed to the cause.

No matter why they showed up, they return because they want to be part of the community.

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