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Two Kinds Of Obedience

I’ve always bristled at the notion of “obedience.” Obedience, to me, meant, *Shut up and do as you’re told!* No space for questions. Or nuance. Or the possibility of compromise. Obedience involved unquestioned alignment with some collection of rules, an ideology, or a set of beliefs simply because somebody with power says so. This sort of obedience conjured images […]

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Half-full? Half-empty? The answer is supposed to reveal one’s level of optimism. If I answered honestly, based on how I feel, most of the time I’d offer a third option. Half-empty…and leaking. Chronic depression distorts the lens through which I, and lots of others, view the world. My feelings tell me to interpret most circumstances […]

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Whose Kids?

“What are you doing for our kids?” Five years ago. He was curious about the handcycle and our crazy ride around Florida to raise funds for Convoy Of Hope. Wanted to help us feed hungry children, but he hesitated when I mentioned the program was *international.* Five years later I can’t tell you what he […]

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It’s Hard To Avoid…

…becoming cynical. …the temptation to fight back. …dividing the world into winners and losers. …believing winning matters more than anything  else. …letting disappointment become anger. …letting the anger effect other parts of life. …refusing to let it go. …demonizing everyone on the other side. …the desire to go beyond winning and harm your enemies. …losing […]

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Who’s Really Free?

What’s the “free” in FREEDOM TOUR? It’s kind of a loaded word. Freedom might mean USAmerican freedom, the right to live our lives without unreasonable government interference. Or it might simply mean freedom of movement; “not in jail” = “free.” The FREEDOM TOUR works toward an end to human trafficking, freedom from slavery. But I […]

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Just Listen

“Why don’t we just listen?” Heard that question a lot lately. Someone has a difficult story, and others wonder why simply listening seems beyond our cultural capability. I get it. Even in ideal circumstances, deep, non-judgmental listening takes a great deal of effort. Put the story in an emotionally-charged (or politically-charged) situation and one has […]

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