As If

It’s important to pretend.

Becky and I told everyone we were doing a 1500-mile bike tour. The truth? We had no clue what we were doing. We pretended.

We acted like we knew what to do, behaved as though we were ready. For more than a year we invested a ton of effort in optimism about how the whole project would progress. I pretended I knew how to tell the story, Becky pretended she was confident about driving and supporting and doing a thousand tasks we hadn’t even considered.

We acted as if we could pull it off, and pretending actually created the environment that allowed us to succeed.

By stepping out as an act of faith, by committing and moving forward, we started a process. And in that process, Jesus worked with us in ways that might not have happened if we sat still.

So often, I think, we wait until the right time, until we’re ready, until the obstacles are all removed so it’ll be smooth sailing. And Jesus says, “Follow Me, right now. Trust Me and we’ll work it out as we go.”

A dream is a story waiting to be written. And a big part of the story, maybe the most interesting part, is the courage required to follow the dream when you’re not sure where it will lead or how it will turn out.

What’s your dream? What’s the crazy, God-sized thing you want to follow but you’re just not sure.

Maybe you need to pretend, to commit and behave as if you can actually make it happen. Maybe you need to trust Jesus to walk with you to places you can’t imagine.

Ever thought about joining the FREEDOM TOUR, as a cyclist or a volunteer? Maybe you need to jump in and act like you can do it. Who knows? You might just start a process and create an environment that allows you to do the impossible.

We’d love to be part of that story.

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