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Pray And Do

Prayer has gotten a bad reputation. In our broader culture, I’ll pray for you has sadly become a hollow platitude. “Thoughts and prayers” has become a way of saying, “We feel kinda bad, but we probably aren’t going to do anything about it.” We’ve allowed the perception that prayer is about inaction. Every day on […]

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The Kid In The Back

We live in communities. Neighborhoods, towns, churches, families all can be places where people come together toward some common purpose. They can also be places of oppression, isolation, and inequality. I’ve thought a lot lately about community. Because it’s difficult, because we do these bike tours, because I spent 35 years in classrooms. Today I’m […]

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Community And Circles

We completed two amazing tours. Community is hard. Whether it’s a bike tour/mission trip, a neighborhood, a city, a state, or a country, bringing folks together from different places, with different backgrounds and beliefs and different reasons for showing up, and asking them to work toward a common purpose takes a lot of work. Classrooms […]

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On our bike tours, we sleep in churches. Each night, generous congregations allow us to invade their space with coolers, sleeping bags, and cycling equipment. When we leave each morning we do our best to leave the spaces just as we found them, clean and ready for use. In Breckenridge, Becky and I slept in […]

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Day one of the Colorado Mountain Tour. So far our team has played an intense game of wiffle ball and done a round of show-and-tell. We loaded and unloaded the trailer twice, and shared an amazing dinner catered by our friends in Buena Vista from an amazing organization called BV Hope. Oh yeah. We rode […]

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Two ways to create a culture. Method #1: Highlight bad behavior and make a rule. “Don’t do that.” You see the problem, right? We do it all the time, in reality TV and politics (is there a difference?) and the legal system. Media shines a spotlight on the bully, the creep, the social media troll, […]

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