A Surprising Commercial

Happy Saturday! I probably saw this commercial a half-dozen times on TV before I fully realized what was happening. Admittedly, I watch this activity from a biased perspective. This time, my bias prevented me from hearing an important message. Watch and listen all the way to the end and let us know what you think. […]

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Find A Way

On Labor Day, Diana Nyad stumbled onto a beach in Key West, Florida. Nearly 53 hours after jumping into the ocean in Havana, Cuba, she finally completed a lifelong dream to swim 103 miles from Cuba to Florida. Diana Nyad is 64 years old. This was her fifth attempt, the first coming when she was […]

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What Do Christians Believe?

This week I’m leading an adult Sunday school class called “What Do Christians Believe?” Except it’s not really a class. There’s no formal curriculum, no goals and objectives, and (gasp!) no exams. It’s really more of a multi-week forum, a chance to ask questions that don’t get asked a lot in church. My sense is […]

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Is This A Broken Promise?

Can a promise mean something bigger than you imagined? On last June’s Front Range FREEDOM Tour we had the opportunity to participate in worship at First Presbyterian Church in Pueblo. The sermon reminded me of an evening a few years ago when Becky and I were invited to speak at a local church’s “family movie […]

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Happy Monday! Becky’s wisdom inspires today’s word-of-the-week… DOOR Suppose someone knocks on your front door. You go to the door and try to PUSH it open. You sweat and strain and shove with all your might. You really want to open that door, but despite your best effort you’re unable to force it open. Your […]

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How Can We End Hunger?

When a child’s hungry, we provide something to eat. It’s not complicated. There’s no circumstance in which childhood hunger is okay. So we’re honored to partner with Convoy of Hope and their Children’s Feeding Initiatives. Every single day they provide food for more than 125,000 kids around the globe. As long as kids are hungry, […]

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Putting The Boys To Bed

Happy Saturday! As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s dream, we need to remember that our worlds are “inextricably bound” together. Your actions impact me, as mine impact you. As Congressman John Lewis remarked about the descendants of slaves and slave owners, “We may have arrived on different ships, but now that we’re […]

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What If You Didn’t Expect This?

In my experience, following Jesus is never boring. I never envisioned myself writing books or speaking to groups or riding a handcycle thousands of miles per year, so I suppose I ought to be past the notion of being surprised when a new opportunity drops at my door. But I never would have imagined myself […]

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A Garden Parable

Note: I published this parable last week over at Rich’s Ride. I’m re-posting here, with some edits, because I’d love to know your thoughts. What if the Kingdom is as simple as seeds planted by a Master Gardener? The seeds sprout and become the plants they were destined to become. They produce their particular fruit. […]

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