What Do You Learn?

I learn so much from these rides.

I try to share the important stuff here because I hope you’ll learn something as well. In the last couple of days I’ve learned at least three lessons that might serve all of us.

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nau chi alphaStay open to the opportunities God places in your path. Thursday morning we had an appointment to speak at 7:00 am to Sun City del Sol Rotary Club. It’s been on the calendar for several weeks.

Wednesday evening we arrived in Phoenix at the end of a long day and talked about setting the alarm for 5:00 am. Suddenly Sun City seemed like one more early morning service club meeting. I wondered if my presentation would really matter to anyone.

We arrived and were greeted by an incredibly kind, gracious group of people. We enjoyed a wonderful informal breakfast together, and I honestly can’t recall when I’ve had more fun speaking to a group.

Afterward both Becky and I had several warm conversations with group members who shared their own stories. One lady invited us to spend some time later with a guy for whom she’s a caregiver. The result was a special visit and an interesting conversation.

Another member invited us to his church’s men’s breakfast group Saturday morning.

How often do we miss connections, relationships, and chances to serve because we don’t keep our eyes open to what’s around us?

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

There’s no such thing as same-old-same-old, because God’s always at work. He’s doing a new thing—we need to keep our eyes open and perceive it.

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We’re surrounded by courage and generosity. People step out in faith with their finances, time, and talents. It takes courage to be generous beyond your comfort zone. As this graphic from my friend Iron Mike says, that’s where the magic happens.

This weekend we’re experiencing a special sort of generosity. Pastor Elwin Mack of Faith Assembly Church in Phoenix invited me to share the Sunday message with his congregation.

Responsible pastors take the Sunday message VERY seriously. They study, prepare, and pray as they write, and they’re careful when selecting “guest preachers.” Pastors don’t, and shouldn’t, let just anyone stand (or sit) at the pulpit.

Pastor Elwin and I have never met. He knows my story and we’ve spoken by phone, but he invited me based on recommendations and faith. I’m sure he wouldn’t admit it, but I’ll bet he has some concerns about what I might say.

That’s courage—facing the fears and moving forward when you believe it’s the right direction. Pastor Mack could have taken the safe route and preached his own sermon. He chose the path of generosity.

I’m grateful and excited and humbled.

Who’s taken a chance on you when it would have been easier or safer to go another route?

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nau chi alpha 2Don’t take relationships for granted. I recently had an encounter that reminded me in graphic detail where I’d be if I had been left to face my injury alone. I can’t reveal the details of that encounter, but I saw how much I owe to the people who didn’t let me quit when that’s all I wanted to do.

I’ve been blessed by folks sent onto my path by God who refused to allow me to waste the life God gave me. Those people loved me when I didn’t want to be loved. It must have been something like helping a wounded porcupine.

But this week I got a look at where I might be if I’d gotten my wish, if they’d just left me alone. I’m more grateful than ever for the gift of faithful friendship and sacrificial love.

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I’m not sure what to call this adventure, but labeling it a “bike ride” is starting to seem a bit silly. We’re in the midst of nine straight days with at least one speaking opportunity (check the schedule here to see where we’ll be). It’s humbling, because most of these gigs pop up through word of mouth.

That’s why we’re here. 291 miles on the bike tires, and today we should get in a good ride after a morning with the Teen Challenge guys in New River.

We’ll keep cranking, you keep following, and together we’ll continue the journey of hope.

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Today over at BOUNCING BACK I posted an article about Hugging A Wounded Porcupine. I invite you to stop over and take a look.

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