Psych 101, Iowa State University, Fall 1969. Maybe 200-300 students in a creaky old lecture hall, professor droning, me taking notes with one question in mind: Will this be on the test? Came home (yes, I lived at home) from my very first college midterm exam and told my mom I was going to flunk […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
Adventure Or Disaster?
It happened in 2013, and it’s still one of my favorite FREEDOM TOUR stories. I did my best to research a route through the south Denver area, even called a local bike shop. The guy assured me the “Outlaw Trail” was great. So imagine the surprise when the trail went from paved to dirt to […]
Continue readingOn Your Mark…!
It’s time to begin. When the starter cries, “On your mark!” the runners know it’s time. Time to focus. Time to separate competitors from bystanders, those who think about running from those who run. “On your mark!” means it’s time to step up to the line. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. For the FREEDOM […]
Continue readingMarking The Trail
How did the story go from there to here? My friend asked about RELENTLESS GRACE. She wanted to understand the process that led from injury to despair to depression to 1500-mile bike ride to FREEDOM TOUR. It’s a story I’ve told countless times, but on this occasion I used a brand new description, one that […]
Continue readingJustice, Community, and … Math?
Last time I suggested that God’s versions of community and justice are linked. We have a human tendency to categorize, to put community in one column and justice in another. It’s like the two-colored wristband…either the blue side or the green side is displayed. Language magnifies the issue. We use finite words to express God’s […]
Continue readingHow Should We Introduce You?
What do you want these people to know about you? Personally, I’m good with Old bald guy in a wheelchair or Monte’s buddy. Most hosts seem to want something a bit more formal. These days when I speak to a group the intro often mentions my connection to the FREEDOM TOUR. While I do many […]
Continue readingWhat Would He Say?
I sometimes imagine conversations with famous (often dead) people. When I visit a museum or memorial I often visualize conversing with Lincoln, Jefferson, or Kennedy. As I learn about them I wonder what they’d say about a given topic or how their ideas might have evolved. It’s one silly way of exploring my own notions. […]
Continue readingConfusing Notions About Respect
Lots of talk these days about respect, or really lack of respect, in public discourse. I think a lot of people confuse and conflate “respect” with other ideas. Here are some thoughts adapted from a 3-year-old post and ideas I owe to my friend Eric Larsen. When you step into the blue circle you agree […]
Continue readingHave You Been The New Guy?
I’m not a go-to-the gym guy. I love riding my bike, but the gym doesn’t get me excited. My lovely wife, conversely, hits the gym nearly every day. Spinning, weights, classes – she enjoys all different kinds of fitness workouts. Gyms are abnormally busy right now. First week of the new year, lots of folks […]
Continue readingThe Very Long Arc
Earthrise, Christmas Eve, 1968. Orbiting the desolate moon in the Apollo 8 spacecraft, Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman were the first humans to see the Earth as a solitary oasis suspended in darkness. I remember sitting in front of a B&W TV as the crew read in turn the ancient opening verses from […]
Continue readingHappy New Year
In The Aftermath
When you travel for Christmas, the drive home is always longer. You know the feeling, right? Same roads, same distance, but somehow the return trip, minus the anticipation and excitement, isn’t as much fun. The aftermath is always a bit of a letdown. I see it with the FREEDOM TOUR, all the months of buildup […]
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