A Mob Of Hope

What’s your mental image of a “mob”? Did you think of a crime syndicate led by a “mob boss”? How about mob violence, or mob mentality? Mostly a mob isn’t a good thing. Mobs tend to be disorderly and out of control. They’re spontaneous, usually in a disruptive way. So what in the world is a HopeMob? […]

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Find A Way

On Labor Day, Diana Nyad stumbled onto a beach in Key West, Florida. Nearly 53 hours after jumping into the ocean in Havana, Cuba, she finally completed a lifelong dream to swim 103 miles from Cuba to Florida. Diana Nyad is 64 years old. This was her fifth attempt, the first coming when she was […]

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Do You Keep Score?

How do you measure success? We all know it’s important to create our own targets. Nothing’s more self-defeating than constantly trying to meet others’ expectations. But even when you define success on your own terms, it’s tempting to succumb to the cultural obsession with scorekeeping. We need to be careful about what we count, because […]

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