What If You’re Not Ready?

readyIt’s almost time for RICH’S RIDE to hit the road again.

A week from today we’ll roll out of town on our way to Taos, New Mexico. It’s almost time to start cranking on TAOS TO TUCSON 2013.

We’re not ready.

I think there’s a lesson here for all of us. This will be our fifth project, and we’ve learned a few things. We’re more prepared than we’ve been for any of our previous trips. But we’re still not ready, and if we had another month I doubt if we’d be ready then.

I think waiting until we’re ready is a delay tactic. When you’re following a dream, pursuing an adventure, at some point you just gotta start.

After spending a few hours with Bob Goff, I’m more convinced than ever that following Jesus is about doing stuff, getting on the road and starting. I think we spend far too much time preparing to do stuff, getting organized, setting up structures and committees. I’m not saying those aren’t important, but a lot of enterprises spend more energy and resources getting ready to go than actually going.

I’m pretty sure we’ll leave home feeling overwhelmed, wishing we had more time. We’ll know some things aren’t as complete as they should be. We’ll be in some version of “scramble mode” before we hit the highway.

We could settle for sharing the story in the easy places. We could ride the easy roads and skip the hills. We could just stay home.

In Mark 6 when Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs,  He gave these instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.”

I’ll take extra bike jerseys and plenty of socks, and there’ll always be a store nearby. But maybe I can pack a little lighter and trust a little more that God will direct our steps–as He always has.

I want to learn to lean into the notion that I’m not ready and it’s okay. I have a sense that’s something God wants me to get from this experience.

Maybe I’ll even cut out a pair of socks.

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