The Next Right Thing

One of Becky’s principles is “do the next right thing.” It’s a consistent reminder that life isn’t really about big, momentous events. The path is determined one small choice at a time. Make lots of good choices, one at a time, over and over again, and you’ll look back at a journey you can feel […]

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Imagine being born in a stinky, nasty place surrounded by chaos. And then imagine, after you survived, powerful political leaders considered you a threat and wanted to kill you. Our neat little nativity scene is a bit misleading. It wasn’t all rainbows and smiles surrounded by a heavenly glow from the star. It was an […]

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About Taking Time

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday. Ever since the turkey settled, we’ve been buried under an avalanche of one-time-only, gotta-hurry-before-they’re gone “bargains.” It’s all marketing, a scheme designed to create a sense of urgency and scarcity. These *holidays* reinforce the perception that there’s not enough for everyone. Better jump in before you’re left out, […]

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It’s Thanksgiving week, a uniquely American holiday of gratitude. And guilt. Lots of folks will express thanks for God’s bounty as they stuff the turkey and themselves. Maybe they’ll even say thanks as they rush through the stores (or click around the web) grabbing bargains. But some of us, maybe you, maybe me, will feel […]

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About Boundaries

Becky asked if we’re setting boundaries or building walls. We’re doing lots of planning and dreaming right now, about the FREEDOM TOUR and about life. Like most good questions, this one stuck and rattled around in my brain. As I realized the depth of Becky’s question, I listed some important differences between walls and boundaries. […]

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Which Version Of Me?

Our small group talked about “integrity.” We’re working through Daniel’s story of faithfulness during a life in Babylonian exile. This week we focused on Daniel’s ability to maintain his integrity in the midst of challenging circumstances. The word “integrity” gets tossed around a lot. As a teacher, I wanted my students to understand that living […]

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Fine Print

Becky came home with a new insulated travel mug. It’s a mug. Pour the coffee, pop on the lid, drink. It’s not complicated. So we laughed when the box included several paragraphs of instructions. Single spaced, double sided. In an impossible-to-read font. Those *instructions* give the impression that using a travel mug is an intricate, […]

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Get Going!

Occasionally I need a reminder. I suppose we could gather as many cyclists and supporters as possible, and ask them where we should go. Take a poll, pick the most popular option, and spend a bunch of energy building consensus. Of course, some folks won’t agree. Either they’ll decide to drop out or they’ll be […]

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