Following the dream doesn’t happen by accident. We’ve already talked about Grace and Faith. Humility In a culture of selfies and Tik Tok and “Look at me!” – following the dream works better with, “there you are.” Please don’t turn this into some sort of legalistic “Never talk about yourself or your accomplishments” or “Never […]
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How To Follow A Dream (2)
Let’s continue our conversation. Part 1 (Faith) here. Grace We’re gonna mess up, make mistakes. Others we meet along the journey will mess up as well. Decide in advance to default toward grace. Decide we’ll give others, and ourselves, the benefit of the doubt. Take the energy we invest in judgment and snarkiness – invest […]
Continue readingHow To Follow A Dream
Last time I talked about selfies. It’s not about pictures, of course. I love seeing and showing you what my friends are up to. It’s really about attention-seeking in a culture in which people become famous (and wealthy) simply for being famous. Jesus said we should let our light shine before others. As we follow […]
Continue readingCorrect Words And Hearts
Words matter. They matter a lot in school. Even in math classes, I tried to impress on students the importance of using words correctly while avoiding excessive sarcasm and trying not to become the frumpy grammar police. For example, they insisted supposably was a real word when they meant supposedly. They also used irregardless rather […]
Continue readingIt’s Personal
My friend Liz needs a kidney transplant. Not the normal topic for a blog post, but in days when social media and networks do so much damage, this is a positive. Liz has been a friend for a very long time. In fact, she jokes that she knew me when we could *stand* together in […]
Continue readingWe’ve Come A Long way
I met a new friend last week. He stopped to help after I took a bit of a tumble while avoiding a careless driver. The details aren’t important. What matters is the conversation that happened while we waited for reinforcements. + + + First, a small chuckle. Jerry’s a volunteer firefighter. When he helped me […]
Continue readingWe’re Back
Ten days in a spot with no internet. Can’t recall the last time my computer – and my brain – rested that long. Still had a cell connection, but it was a wonderful stretch with time for input without much demand for output. I think that’s the most important thing I learned from our trip…I […]
Continue readingHow Did That Happen?
Neurosurgeons aren’t known for their warm bedside manner. In the weeks after my injury, I was desperate for a definitive prognosis. Nurses and therapists offered a lot of “keep trying, anything’s possible.” I just wanted someone to tell me the outcome. I liked my doc. Gruff, matter-of fact, cared a lot but didn’t spend time […]
Continue readingQuid Pro Quo
It’s gotten a bad rap lately. Quid pro quo might be an a form of blackmail. I’ll withhold this thing you want – or need – unless you do as I wish. Often it’s not-so-subtle manipulation, Godfather-style. I did you a favor, now you owe me. Do that enough, strategically, and one can accumulate a […]
Continue readingHalf A Million
500,000. Individuals. With faces and names and families who grieve their loss. Half a million precious children of God. When they told Him of His friend Lazarus’ death, Jesus wept. Lots of our friends and neighbors are weeping right now. I hope they know we grieve with them. I hope they know Jesus holds each […]
Continue readingPrince Of Shalom
Every Christmas we hear the ancient words of Isaiah: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. I’ve wondered a lot about that last phrase, never more that during this insane year. What could it possibly mean […]
Continue readingHow About Tomorrow?
Becky put up some outdoor Christmas lights this weekend. Not a big deal for most folks. But this weekend was also the 33rd anniversary of the day I met two paramedics following a 10-foot fall – while installing outdoor Christmas lights. This time our neighbor helped. Everyone kept their feet on the ground. We’re not […]
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