Less Than Or Equal?

“19% of a whole person.” In the aftermath of my injury I received all sorts of information. Some diagnostic, some clinical, some legal…some helpful, some not-so-much. I can’t recall a details any more devastating than the neurologist’s report on the extent of my injury. From a functional standpoint, on an impartial, clinical scale, I was […]

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They Don’t Care

Probably not true. Too easy to dismiss folks who don’t jump into an issue like human trafficking or some other big-deal problem with “they don’t care.” Mostly, though, I believe people DO care. When they know about our 22 kids, about what they’ve endured, I have a difficult time believing they really don’t care. I […]

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Get Better Shoes

I like metaphors. Imagine your path, everywhere you turn, covered by broken glass. One solution: try to cover the entire world so you can walk in comfort. Or…cover your own feet with tough-soled shoes and move forward.* We can fuss about external circumstances that block our path, circumstances over which we often we have no […]

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Self-Help Or Hope?

Someone asked the other day if RELENTLESS GRACE is a self-help book. I laughed. In hindsight, that probably wasn’t the most sensitive response. I knew what he meant, but I chuckled at the notion that I somehow “helped myself” through the darkness of that horrible experience. RELENTLESS GRACE isn’t a story of self-help, it’s a […]

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Can We Handle The Truth?

“The truth is more important than the facts.” Frank Lloyd Wright Wait…what? Is this iconic architect offering yet another argument for “alternative facts?” I don’t think so. I can’t imagine fact-free architecture. Buildings are constrained by science, gravity doesn’t care whether you believe it. Ignoring inconvenient facts doesn’t stop the structure from collapsing. Frank Lloyd […]

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