Butterflies Are(n’t Always) Free

We’ve been asked a few times recently about the significance of the butterfly-and-barbed-wire symbol.

It’s actually part of the Project Rescue logo. We use it to symbolize our link with that wonderful organization.

The butterfly represents the hope of a restored life for women and children rescued from slavery. The barbed wire, of course, recalls the harsh reality that millions are still held against their will both world-wide and right in our backyards.

The stark juxtaposition of modern-day slavery and hope is exactly why we do the FREEDOM TOUR.

Our small project won’t end the multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise that buys and sells people as disposable commodities. However, we can’t turn away and do nothing.

A couple dozen kids were rescued from the horrors of life in a brothel and a future of sexual slavery, and brought to a Project Rescue safe house. In this place, this HOME OF HOPE, the kids receive food, clothing, and counseling. They attend school. They go to church and learn about Jesus.

From the depths of hopelessness, these kids were brought into the bright light of hope. We’re blessed to know them and the dedicated folks who work every day to help them grow into the people God always had in His heart. We get the opportunity to provide some of the support that allows all of this to happen.

We do this to remove the barbed wire. Because butterflies, like hope, were created to fly free.

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