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One Hand

I’ve been showing you the handprints of our kids. We can’t show their faces. They live in a place where showing pictures, listing names, even naming the country would magnify the danger they already face from the traffickers. So the handprints are a way of creating a sense that we’re personally connected. However, 22 handprints […]

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One Kid At A Time

I don’t read as many books as I should. During our brief Christmas vacation I devoured FINDING CHIKA by Mitch Albom. It’s a delightful, heartwarming – and heartbreaking – tale of what happens when love steps across the artificial boundaries we place in its path. FINDING CHIKA, on one level, follows Mitch Albom’s faith journey […]

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Imagine the Christmas Eve headlines. Thousands Flock To Ancestral Homes!Burdensome Taxes On Horizon Roman Soldiers Assault Innocent Family!Apparently They Looked Guilty Governor Hosts Huge Party!Wealthy Dine And Dance While People Starve King Huddles With Advisors!Amid Rumors Of Purge All sorts of urgent “news” might have dominated first-century Twitter feeds. Social media streams would have been […]

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Imagine being born in a stinky, nasty place surrounded by chaos. And then imagine, after you survived, powerful political leaders considered you a threat and wanted to kill you. Our neat little nativity scene is a bit misleading. It wasn’t all rainbows and smiles surrounded by a heavenly glow from the star. It was an […]

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About Taking Time

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday. Ever since the turkey settled, we’ve been buried under an avalanche of one-time-only, gotta-hurry-before-they’re gone “bargains.” It’s all marketing, a scheme designed to create a sense of urgency and scarcity. These *holidays* reinforce the perception that there’s not enough for everyone. Better jump in before you’re left out, […]

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