Sometimes we think what we’re doing isn’t enough, but that sort of “logic” puts us in charge and takes God out of the process. He uses and magnifies our efforts in places and ways we’ll never understand on this side of eternity.
Continue readingWay More Than Enough
We’re asked only to do our best with what’s in front of us, to keep going when it’s impossible, and trust Him for a result we can’t possibly understand. He’s using our efforts in ways bigger than we imagine, ways we may never see.
Continue readingWhen Truth Conceals
Story tellers frequently become pick-n-choosers. They cherry-pick cool-sounding snippets, often out of context.
Continue readingAbout Purpose
Leadership, efficiency, fundraising, training – all that stuff matters. But we must do it, every single bit of it, with love. Otherwise, we’re just making noise.
Continue readingWe’re In The Way!
If we’re gonna get in the way anyway, we might as well be intentional about it. We might as well make it count.
Continue readingHow Big Is Too Big?
We need to be sure we’re following the right dream, God’s dream. Once we’re confident our vision aligns with His, we can work together, do our best to figure out the details, and trust Him for the outcome.
Continue readingLet’s Go!
“Let’s go” says there’s value in the journey, that it’s not all about the destination. It says getting there quickly might diminish the experience, that we might even learn something along the way that clarifies and enriches the destination.
Continue readingI Wish I Wouldda…
Some questions weave their way into the fabric of the FREEDOM TOUR. “What do you think you’ll regret more in ten years – your failures or the things you didn’t try?” I talk to a lot of people about long bike rides. I’ve never met someone who regretted doing an extended bike ride. I’ve met […]
Continue readingOne Brick Outta The Wall
“I’d run through a brick wall for you.” It’s supposed to indicate commitment and enthusiasm, top-level motivation, a willingness to do the impossible. Kind of a silly image, though. Running into a brick wall, on purpose, is a waste of time and effort. It’s a token effort that accomplishes nothing, aside from possible brain damage. […]
Continue readingWe Shouldn’t Forget
I’ll always remember the day we snapped this photo. Our gathering on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial marked the conclusion of IJM Freedom Tour. Hugs and good-byes and pictures and tears…a bit like the last day of summer camp. We met the next day at the headquarters of International Justice Mission. A rare tour […]
Continue readingPure Religion
“Revelation is God’s Word, in all its forms…religion is how humans respond.” It’s a little simplistic, but I still remember feeling a bit gobsmacked by the notion that religion is human-created. I’d never really considered the idea seriously, but I sort of assumed there was something supernaturally-ordained in the rituals and processes of organized religion. […]
Continue readingCool To Be Kind
“We can choose to be kind…rather than right.” Very cool guidance from an expert on dementia care – when dealing with someone who struggles to remember, we can give up our right to be right and choose kindness instead. We frequently tend to forget that elderly people who struggle to remember details because of dementia […]
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