
Happy Monday. It’s a good day for this particular word-of-the-week. OPTIMISM: an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. I’m not naturally optimistic. Somewhere along the line I learned to anticipate the worst. It’s a tendency that’s caused me a lot of problems, but old […]

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Making It Happen

A couple of weeks ago I did a Monday word-of-the-week about EXECUTION. I asked these questions: Ever get a great idea, mess with it, dream about it, develop a bunch of possibilities, talk to others about it—everything except actually doing something about it? Ever see something really fun and think, “I couldda done that?” Ever […]

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Forgiveness isn’t …

…easy. When someone hurts me, my natural reaction is not forgiveness. How can I forgive something this bad? Have you ever heard (or asked) that question? Forgiveness isn’t our first impulse. We’ve all been hurt, and “letting it go” isn’t programmed into our menu of responses. We want to fight back, to hurt the one […]

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Do you ever ask why? As a classroom teacher, I always thought why was a good sign. If a student cared enough about something to ask why it happens, I figured I was doing something right. Of course, why doesn’t always really mean why. Sometimes it means it’s not fair and I don’t like it […]

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Why Take The Risk?

To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; […]

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Happy Monday. I hope your week’s off to a great start. Monday’s word-of-the-week day, and this week’s word is discernment. I encountered this term last week in a wonderful workshop offered by Gus Lee. Gus talked about courage and leadership, and one of his key points was that courageous leaders must exercise discernment. In this […]

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Saturday Smiles

Two videos–same story, slightly different pictures. This is proof that: you don’t have to be handsome to be beautiful. Opportunities for love and service appear when you least expect them. If you have trouble viewing the video, click here. And here’s a second version: Click here if you can’t view the video.

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Where Are You?

Which one are you? I’m currently in the midst of a fascinating small-group study of Timothy Keller’s book The Prodigal God. It’s a wonderful analysis of a familiar story—I highly recommend the book, unless you’re opposed to having old ideas challenged a bit. Most of us are familiar with The Parable of the Prodigal Son. […]

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Does It Really Matter?

If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room. Anita Roddick Do you ever wonder if what you do matters? When you send words into cyberspace every day, it’s an important question. It’s easy to wonder if those words make any difference, if anyone […]

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Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter

Most people publish a newsletter on some sort of predictable, regular schedule. I tried that, but it seemed so ordinary. Besides, I kept missing my own deadlines. So–here’s a link to the latest edition of Rich’s Semi-Regular Newsletter. A couple of exciting developments in the works–enjoy!

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My Goodness!

Here’s our newest contribution to the One-Word-At-A-Time Blog Carnival. I encourage you to click the link and check out some of the other carnival attractions. This week’s word is: GOODNESS But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. [Galatians 5:22-23] When […]

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Happy Monday, and welcome to word-of-the-week day at Bouncing Back. Today’s word is: EXECUTION Ever get a great idea, mess with it, dream about it, develop a bunch of possibilities, talk to others about it—everything except actually doing something about it? Ever see something really fun and think, “I couldda done that?” Ever wonder why […]

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