
Welcome to the beginning of a new week and another word-of-the-week. This week’s word is …


For me, defiance carries a negative connotation.

Back in the day, I had a t-shirt that proclaimed DEFY AUTHORITY. Every kid’s dream, right? Except that I never really did it, at least in any way that actually mattered.

Today I’m thinking of a few positive, productive applications of defiance.

Defy the naysayers. When you envision a dream and feel that heart’s desire to go after it with passion, defiance is a good approach to those who’ll tell you to play it safe.

Defy conventional wisdom, which is certainly conventional but rarely wise. Seeking, and following, the counsel of those you trust—especially yourself—sometimes requires a bit of defiance.

Defy the odds. Almost every endeavor is more interesting because the smartest, strongest, or fastest don’t always win. Defiance injects determination, perseverance, faith, and hard work into the equation.

Defy “they”—you know, that amorphous, undefined, all-powerful “they” who seem to make all of the unwritten rules that confine us in boxes of conformity. “They” could use a good dose of defiance.


Defiance doesn’t have to involve anger or rebellion. Though it sounds like an oxymoron, I’m thinking we could practice our own brand of gentle defiance during this new week of possibility and opportunity.

What would “gentle defiance” mean to you? What’s one place where you might benefit from a touch of defiance this week?


Monday is also WORD OF MOUTH day, my opportunity to thank you for helping to bring others into the circle and gently encourage you to take one specific action that might spread the word.

Today’s suggestion: join (or “like”) the Bouncing Back Facebook page and recommend it to your Facebook buddies. Thank you—you’re the best!

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