The Strength To Be Gentle

First, a bit of news: I’m excited to announce the impending release of a new free e-book titled STICKS AND STONES: Finding freedom in the face of criticism. We’re putting the finishing touches on it, and I hope it’ll be ready within a few days. Keep checking back for updates. Now–to more important stuff … […]

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Important Stuff To Talk About

A leader inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. A reader recently emailed and asked if I ever did motivational speaking with groups of young people. I love speaking to kids. You don’t teach math for thirty-five years, especially at the middle school level, if you don’t like interacting with […]

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Happy Saturday! If you’re new to THE CRAZY QUEST, you may wish to read about it here. Basically, I’m tracing my journey as I attempt to answer the question: What would you do if you didn’t know you couldn’t do it? This week of training: 141 miles  COASTING If you’re coasting, you’re either losing momentum […]

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Sticks And Stones

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. Really? I think that innocent childhood adage should be revised. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words … can break my heart. Broken bones will mend, but surgery can’t heal a broken heart.

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Don’t Stop

Happy Saturday! If you’re new to THE CRAZY QUEST, you may wish to read about it here. Basically, I’m tracing my journey as I attempt to answer the question: What would you do if you didn’t know you couldn’t do it? This week of training: 107 miles (and some vacation/R&R) DON’T STOP Pain is temporary. […]

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Getting My Way

The success of love is in the loving – it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done. Mother Teresa What do […]

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Defining The Circle

If you know what you’re going to write before you begin, why bother? How do you decide what to write about? It’s a question authors hear frequently. We try to offer deep, wise responses that make the process appear more purposeful, and less desperate, than it really is. However, I thought it might be a […]

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Survive Or Thrive

Happy Saturday! If you’re new to THE CRAZY QUEST, you may wish to read about it here. Basically, I’m tracing my journey as I attempt to answer the question: What would you do if you didn’t know you couldn’t do it? This week of training: 108 miles (and some vacation/R&R) SURVIVE OR THRIVE When I […]

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