Beginning And Remembering

A week from today our team for Front Range FREEDOM Tour will gather for the first time. This beginning reminded me of an ending, the final official gathering of our IJM Freedom Tour team. There were hugs and good-byes and pictures and tears. It was a bit like the last day of summer camp with […]

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What Would Change?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about What if…? The idea was to consider opportunities by pondering their implications. What if … I read a book per month? What if … I made the effort to meet all of my neighbors? The notion is to think about what might change in my life. # […]

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Monte Talks About His Job

Hi. I’m Monte, Rich’s service dog. It’s been a while. The last time I wrote we were still some place called “Florida.” If you’re new here, Rich lets me in as a guest writer occasionally. It turns out that I’m usually the most popular author on the blog, but I don’t think that bothers him […]

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Are You Digging A Well?

One advantage of my injury is a healthy dose of humility. I’m constantly reminded of my relative dependence on others. Yesterday during my bike ride I spent a lot of time thinking about this passage from Deuteronomy 6. When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, […]

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Want To Be Remarkable?

As a cyclist, I enjoy following le Tour de France each year. I don’t always understand all of the intricacies of strategy and tactics, but I appreciate the difficulty of riding more than one hundred miles per day for three weeks over some of the highest, steepest mountains in the world. Like most sports, competitive […]

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Happy Monday! The American Dream inspires today’s word-of-the-week… BOOTSTRAPS We’re supposed to pull ourselves up by them, right? Work hard, be persistent, do whatever it takes, but the message is clear—your success is yours, and yours alone. I remember wondering as a kid, in that stage where you take such things literally, how you were […]

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Make A Friend

If you wish to convince a man of anything, you must first convince him you are his friend. -Abraham Lincoln I believe what unites us matters ore than what divides us. Leaders too frequently have an interest in highlighting differences. Their power derives from creating a defined group of followers, and they work hard to […]

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Got Any Buried Secrets?

Last weekend our pastor talked about an incident from the early life of Moses. As usual, I got trapped on one particular thought and probably missed the whole point of the message. One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. […]

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Trust With A Backup Plan

Everybody knows the story of Jesus calling the children to Him. It’s one of our favorite images, an infinitely calm, patient Jesus surrounded by squirmy kids in an idyllic children’s sermon. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom […]

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Do You Share The Road?

Recently a project got me digging in the depths of the Bouncing Back archives. It’s dusty in there! Hard to believe I’ve accumulated more than 1,000 posts in nearly five years, and that doesn’t include the stuff here at RICH’S RIDE. As I looked through those old articles it seemed there might be some ideas worth […]

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Happy Monday! A shallow TV commercial got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… FREE It was a series of commercials, actually, each offering something for nothing—free! Seems like everything in our culture has been reduced to money. What’s it cost? Free? Cool…I’ll take two! We can buy anything—even people. Anywhere in the world, for a relatively […]

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