
Happy Monday!

From yesterday’s sermon comes today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayOur pastor asked a great question yesterday.

“Are we asking God to bless our plans, or are we seeking God’s plans and asking if we can play?”

Today over at RICH’S RIDE we unveiled our next project, TAOS TO TUCSON 2013. As I think about cranking across the desert in October, that question’s weighing on my mind.

How do I know for sure if this is God’s thing or mine? I’m trying harder than ever to distinguish my stuff from God’s stuff, and I’m less certain than ever what goes in which pile.

God and I are talking a lot lately. Or I’m talking and I believe He’s talking and I’m trying to listen. But I’m honest enough to know “I want to do this” can sound a lot like “God wants me to do this” when it gets filtered through my biases and blind spots.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I don’t want God to bless my plans. I want Him to bless my efforts to be part of His plans.

And I want to know which is which.

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Please take a minute and check out TAOS TO TUCSON 2013. I hope you’ll join the journey of hope.

Have a great week.

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