What Happens When I Pray?

There’s a conversation. I know I talk and God listens. I believe God speaks. I try to listen. I don’t know how that works. Not really. In worship last weekend I heard a familiar phrase: “Jesus, we invite you into this place…” and I thought, “Why are we inviting Him when we know He’s already […]

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Happy Monday! From yesterday’s sermon comes today’s word-of-the-week… PLANS Our pastor asked a great question yesterday. “Are we asking God to bless our plans, or are we seeking God’s plans and asking if we can play?” Today over at RICH’S RIDE we unveiled our next project, TAOS TO TUCSON 2013. As I think about cranking […]

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I Think He Was Serious

My last post challenged me. I hate it when that happens. I don’t mind pointing out your flaws and mistakes. It’s less pleasant when my own words bite me in the backside. But I try to take this following Jesus thing seriously, and this time I’m forced to look in the mirror. I wrote about […]

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What If You’re Outside A Circle?

So maybe you’ve noticed the blogs aren’t arriving as frequently. Or maybe you haven’t. We’ve been reassessing how we do this thing called RICH’S RIDE. If you’re considering following a dream, perhaps this analysis will help your thinking. First, I’ve simplified the words in my diagram. Capacity represents what you can do. It’s your gifts, […]

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What’s Your Message?

This writing thing is an interesting process. I used to worry about what I’d write. Sometimes I’d build a plan, figuring I’d worry less if I knew what I was going to write about. But often I found myself torturing the plan because it didn’t make sense when I actually started writing. These days I […]

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I Am

Happy Monday! It keeps popping up, so it’s today’s word-of-the-week… I AM Worship songs, books, articles, blogs—seems like everywhere I turn in the past couple of weeks I’ve encountered this “word.” Okay, technically it’s two words, but separately they mean something very different. At the burning bush, Moses asked God for His name. He might […]

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Faith In Real Life

Happy Saturday! I appreciate people who do faith in real life. I know folks who seem to believe following Jesus means withdrawing from the world, isolating themselves from those who think or act differently. That’s fine for them, I guess, but I’m drawn to those who want to mix it up with life without compromising […]

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Who Do You Say I Am?

A while back I led a small group discussion for new believers at church. It was perfect for me, since mostly our conversation was about questions. I’m good at questions, as long as I don’t have to know the answers. I recently received an invitation to repeat the process. Looking back at some of the […]

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